The Australian Federation

Purpose of the Federation

To promote, perform and protect the Korean martial art of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan as taught by the Chang Shi Ja (Founder) Hwang Kee and Kwan Jang Nim (Grandmaster) H.C. Hwang in Australia.

Date of Creation: March 2004

Organisational structure

Australia is part of Zone 1 of World Moo Duk Kwan, and is is divided into five regions.

Region 1: Northern Territory
Region 2: Western Australia
Region 3: ACT and New South Wales
Region 4: South Australia
Region 5: Victoria

Each of the regions are represented on the Australian Federation Committee. Two advisory committees, the Senior Advisory Committee (SAC) and the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) provide support to the Federation and its members.

The Federation is represented at the international level by an appointed Designee.

Australian Designee

The Designee represents Australia at the yearly World Moo Duk Kwan Symposium and is responsible for communications between the Federation and Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang.


Kriton Glenn SBN

Senior Advisory Committee

The SAC is the senior advisor for the TAC and reports to Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang.


William Johns SBN
Michael Austin SBN

Regional Examiners

Regional Examiners ensure the regions operate in support of the Australian Federation and TAC.


Region 1: Stephen McGrath SBN
Region 2: Frank Akkerboom SBN
Region 3: Mark Koina SBN
Region 4: Ray Sargeant SBN
Region 5: Chris McMillan SBN

Federation Committee

The Australian Federation Committee comprises representatives from all regions in Australia and looks after the administrative requirements of the Australian Federation.


Chair: Eve Broenland JKN
Vice Chair: Mr Matthew May
Treasurer: Shane Buckley JKN
Secretary: Derek Koina SBN

Ordinary Members
Michael Gillespie SBN
Jarrad Fong SBN
Alan Scott KSN
Mel Hardwick KSN
Eve Broenland JKN
Mr Matthew Yarwood


Hu Kyun In (Guardians of the Art) are senior members of the Australian Federation who have been recognised for their long-standing commitment to the study of Soo Bahk Do. They are further recognised for their years of devotion to strengthening and spreading the art across Australia.


Leonie Broman SBN
Craig Connor SBN

Technical Advisory Committee

The TAC advises the Australian members across all areas of Moo Do, including:

Shim Gung Bu

  1. Standardisation of all tradition and philosophy
  2. Seminars on tradition, protocols and philosophy
  3. Event procedures, ceremonies and flag display
  4. Further study of Shim Gung aspect of our art

Weh Gung Bu

  1. Standardisation of all techniques
  2. Conduct all clinics, tournaments and camps
  3. Further study of Weh Gung aspect of our art

Neh Gung Bu

  1. Standardisation of culture, history and terminology
  2. Seminars on culture, history and terminology
  3. Further study of Neh Gung aspect of our art


Mark Koina SBN


Kim Wyles SBN


PJ Steyer SBN