Dear Australian Federation members,
As we approach the end of another year, lets reflect on the journey we’ve shared. It’s been a year filled with changes, challenges, and accomplishments.
Throughout 2023, there have been many enjoyable active engagements which have inspired our members. Again, we have seen the youngest students taking their first steps in the dojang, through to seasoned masters demonstrating their unwavering commitment.
There was a considerable ‘Strengthening of the Line’, with more 7th, 6th, 5th and 4th Dan promotions, and new Sa Bom instructors officially conferred at a national event held in Darwin. The international Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa events held in Greece, Korea and USA also saw strong attendance from Australian members.

Resilience shone as we faced obstacles. Several committee members stepped back from roles, and we thank them for their efforts. As an organisation, we depend on our administrative structures to support the membership, and with effective succession plans in place our members will be well positioned for the future.
We all know that there is nothing better than face to face classes with our teachers, upholding the pragmatic Five Moo Do Values and Eight Key Concepts. Again in 2023, our training was augmented with various learning and teaching opportunities, particularly with online Zoom classes which help us stay connected and informed.
As we step into the New Year, there is a real sense of optimism and excitement for what lies ahead, particularly with the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa and SEALS event to be held in Sydney in April 2024, currently being coordinated by the Australian Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). You are all encouraged to attend and connect directly with our Kwan Jang Nim, the World TAC, the Senior Advisory Committee, the Hu Kyun In, the Designee, the Australian TAC, and the Australian Federation Committee, and put faces to names. This is your chance to build on your personal connections and create history.
Ambitious goals, including growth within our dojangs, and expanding our outreach and communication initiatives, will require focus and contribution from across our membership. To this end, you are urged to nurture and demonstrate the values that are the cornerstone of the Moo Duk Kwan. As we enter the New Year, let us carry these values with us, demonstrating the best versions of ourselves.
Please remember that the collective strength of our organisation lies in each member. Together, we can achieve greatness.
With warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year, I look forward to seeing you in the dojang in 2024!
Kriton Glenn
Australian Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Designee